Eating less processed foods without feeling deprived: is that even possible? We know that eating less processed foods is beneficial in many ways but it can feel daunting doing this because we will end up feeling deprived right?
Right, if you limit and tell yourself you can’t have these foods.
Wrong, if you shift your focus away from this thinking and use the crowd it out method.
In this blog/ video I will be sharing with you 6 tips to eating less processed foods without feeling deprived using the crowd it out method.
With each blog post, I like to give even extra value. I invite you to watch the "Start Overcoming Emotional Eating Today: Master Class" I have created.
In this FREE master class you will learn the first step to overcoming emotional eating and exactly HOW to do this.
You can get access to the master class by clicking the blue button above.
6 Tips to Eating Less Processed Foods Without Feeling Deprived: The Crowd it Out Method
1. Lifestyle Change as the Goal
You need to focus on creating small sustainable changes to your diet.
2. Understand Why Telling Yourself You Are Cutting Out Certain Foods is Not Helpful
If our goal is eating less processed foods without feeling deprived it is important that we do not focus on "cutting" foods out. When we tell ourselves that we cannot have something - we want that thing more and we will feel restricted/ deprived.
Instead of doing this, we need to focus on the nourishment and foods we are bringing into our diet.

3. Understand That You Are Going to be Breaking Habits And You Need to be Persistent
These habits did not develop into what they are today overnight; they are often years of behaviour built up. This means they will take time to unlearn. Don't beat yourself up over this, it is all learning.
4. Don’t Think About Taking Processed Foods Out: Focus on What You Will Add in
Focus on adding in something each day (eg. I will eat at least x amount of fruit, I will include an extra serving of vegetables at lunch). Don’t worry about taking anything out. Focus on this for the start.
5. Be Mindful of How You Feel After Eating Certain Foods and Start Adding in More Nutrition When You Are Reaching for Processed Foods
After a week or so (depending on your starting position – these are just examples to help you understand how to crowd out processed foods) if you usually reach for processed foods when hungry (eg for a snack) decide to reach for a wholefood snack or 2 first.
Don’t tell yourself you won’t eat the processed food, just tell yourself you will nourish your body with this food first and then see how you feel.
5. If You Find That You Are Still Reaching For the Processed Foods:
You probably need to work through the habits you have at a deeper level. This may involve working through the triggers of emotional or binge eating. Check out my course Understand and Overcome Emotional Eating here to learn more.
In Closing:
If you want to start eating less processed foods without feeling deprived; it is important to shift your focus and how you are doing this. Try some of these tips and let me know in the comments what you found the most helpful.
Remember to get access to the master class: start overcoming emotional eating today.
Click here to download it:
Resources You Might Find Helpful
Understand and Overcome Emotional Eating course:
Freedom From Restrictive Dieting and Emotional Eating – Come Join Us Here
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